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Aliza Davidovit
Oct 5, 2023
Where's Your Fruit
There is a story about a man who lived in a small village and who had a great appreciation for trees. He loved their majesty, the shade...
Aliza Davidovit
Oct 5, 2023
Where is Your Head?
Often when parents send their children off into the fracas of life, they dispatch them with the warning: “Be careful and use your head.”...
Aliza Davidovit
Oct 5, 2023
Where Are You Looking?
Why am I here?" and "What's my purpose in life?" These questions resonate with many, especially during moments of uncertainty and...
Aliza Davidovit
Oct 5, 2023
Change Your Mind; Change Your Find
If you ask people to express what they want most in life, the majority will say: Happiness. “I just want to be happy” is a mantra that...
Aliza Davidovit
Oct 5, 2023
A Lot on Your Plate?
A few years ago, someone told me about an all–you-can-eat restaurant that charges customers a fixed price no matter how much food they...
Aliza Davidovit
Oct 5, 2023
So That's What You're Thinking?
In this week’s Parasha, Shoftim, we are reminded of G-d’s warning to the Israelites after leaving Egypt: “You shall not return that way...
Aliza Davidovit
Oct 5, 2023
Who's Doing the Walking?
When we were children my brother had a distorted old pair of running shoes which he refused to throw away because they were so...
Aliza Davidovit
Oct 5, 2023
There are many eloquent words in the dictionary, even very long ones, such as Floccinaucinihilipilification. At 29 letters, it is...
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