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Aliza Davidovit
Jan 27, 2023
What Happened to Your Heart?
I’d like to ask you a question: Why is the world falling apart? People will come up with many creative answers: They will blame everyone...
Aliza Davidovit
Jan 14, 2023
Thanks for what?
I’ve known too many people in my life who have a “use them and abuse them” mentality. These egocentrics regard other people as servants...
Aliza Davidovit
Dec 29, 2022
The Original
My whole life I always hated it when people copied me. I always deemed it as a form of identity theft. I know some will say imitation is...
Aliza Davidovit
Dec 22, 2022
The Light is in Our HanD
I always wished I could read the candles flames like the kabbalists could and know what they are trying to say. But their lights remain...
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